Wednesday 30 January 2008

Opening Sequence Synopsis

A girl running through a park & wooded area, but is she trying to escape someone or is she trying to catch someone? Various flashbacks are shown throughout... is she the victim... or the killer?

What Happens [Detials]:

It begins by setting the scene and creating suspense because you don't know what is happening at the very start. All you see is a shot of the night sky. It then pans down to a shot of the ground, which is moving under the running feet of the main character. You realise the character is running faster and faster but you don't know why she is running. To add to the suspense there are flashing images which are flashbacks of the girl, but you don't know what they are referring to. She then runs into a wooded area and the suspense is built evenmore, Hopefully with the help of music [added later]. All the different locations shows that she's running for a purpose. The fact that we are having her run through a river shows she is desperate to get away or catch whoever or whatever. The shocked eye at the end shows TERROR & DREAD! The final 'Gasp' leaves you wondering....

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